Berlin Tableau


Berlin Tableau. Günter Steinmeyer bemoans 100 friendly places

For the past four years, Günter Steinmeyer has shared his mostly short and insightful impressions of his elective home city of Berlin in his blog “100FRIENDLYPLACES | Orte die gut sind”. He gives a pointed depiction of Berlin that – despite the blog’s name – draws attention to places and situations that aren’t always pleasant or “friendly”. Continue reading

Tony Windberg

Tony Windberg. A Painter in the Woods

In the midst of a vast Eucalyptus forest that lies deep in the heart of the great southern region of Western Australia, sits a cottage filled with test tubes, material samples, drafts, notes, indexed color samples and canvasses reflecting their surroundings: the trees. Continue reading

Are You Happy?

Are You Happy?

— a question posed to a group of Western Australians with ages ranging from 19 to 85 and from very different cultural, ethnic and biographical backgrounds. Continue reading